New job at The Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama

I've now officially started at The Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama.
Last week, we published a guide to the constitutional amendments that will appear on the Nov. 6 ballot. 
That guide was contained in our monthly newsletter, The PARCA Perspective. Also included is a discussion of why we have so many constitutional amendments to vote on. This November we could potentially add 28 amendments to Alabama's 1901 Constitution, which is already by far the nation's longest.
That would be more in a single year than have been added to the U.S. Constitution in more than 200 years. Alabama's Constitution currently has 857 amendments. 
Also included is a link to a PARCA analysis of the latest test scores for schools. You can find results for every school and system in Alabama.    
If you are interested, you can sign up to receive PARCA publications by email. There are instructions for signing up on the home page.
