Perry Lakes and Barton's Beach Trip with Southeastern Outings

Ready for some relief from snow and cold?

Consider joining me on a trip Sat., Feb. 28, with Southeastern Outings to Perry Lakes Park and Barton's Beach in Perry County. For trip details and more about the Southeastern Outings organization, visit their website.

 This will be an all-day affair. It's an hour-and-a-half drive down and we'll spend a few hours exploring. Afterwards, there is an optional side-trip into Marion for a Low-Country Boil sponsored by the Perry County Historical Society.

The Perry Lakes hike is included in Five-Star Trails: Birmingham. It is is one of my favorite hidden jewels, a very different kind of landscape.

Perry Lakes are oxbow lakes, once a part of the Cahaba River but cut off when the river changed course. Growing out of chocolate-colored water are cypress and tupelo trees, their trunks swollen and their branches draped with Spanish moss.

You can get a tree-top view of all this from an Extreme Birding Tower, (re)constructed on the site by students from Auburn's Rural Studio.

We'll hike a very moderate distance to see the sites and emerge on the banks of the Cahaba River at Barton's Beach, a Nature Conservancy Preserve.

The slideshow below is from a summer time visit. I will be interested to see what we find this time of year.
